Challenges Involved in Identifying Palmer Amaranth

My August Manager’s Corner article was written during the early stages of news breaking on the discovery of Palmer Amaranth seed in Pollinator and other CRP fields. At that time, the seed industry seemed to be of the general belief that Palmer seeds could be distinguished from other pigweed seeds. Shortly thereafter, that line of thought was debunked. The problem then became, and remains: How does a seed lab classify pigweed seeds if, and when, they are found in a seed lot? At the time of this writing, Palmer Amaranth is not considered a noxious weed seed, nor a noxious weed in Iowa. That will likely change soon. However, until recently, even in states where Palmer seeds are deemed noxious, pigweed seeds found in a sample would have to be classified as noxious, or as common weeds (because they can’t be separated by species). A DNA test currently on the market that has shown to be effective in separating Palmer Amaranth seeds from other pigweed seeds is offered by the California State Testing Lab and Eurofins BDI. Soon other labs will be able to administer this test. Additionally, another method may soon be available from a lab in Colorado. Although it is critical to identify seed lots containing Palmer Amaranth, and there is a considerable amount of money at stake for farmers and seed producers, the cost of such DNA tests per seed/seeds may be prohibitive. My advice, if it is an option, is that producers ask to view their seed analysis report, as all weed seeds found during a mechanical purity test are listed on the report (rather than being listed as a percentage on the label).

2017 ISU Workshops and Short Courses

The Iowa State University Seed Lab will once again offer the Seed Analyst Short Course (Purity week May 8-11, and Germination week May 1-4) and the Corn & Soybean Seed Quality Workshop (August 15-17). On Friday of each week of the short course the AOSA/SCST consolidated exam will be offered (Germination May 5, Purity May 12). Participants must sign up at and qualify to be eligible to take the exams. During each short course in-depth information will be provided by speakers. In addition, participants will receive handouts, will be able to take part in hands-on activities, and will have opportunities for networking. The seed quality workshop allows participants to conduct a variety of tests available for both corn and soybeans.

For more information about these events visit:

AOSA, SCST, ISTA Joint Conference Offers Unique Opportunity

In Denver this June there will be a rare opportunity – a joint meeting between the AOSA (official–public–seed analysts), the SCST (commercial technologists and official analysts), and the ISTA (international lab personnel). The conference will be held June 19-22, 2017, with workshops offered the week prior. Participants will not only be able to attend workshops, symposiums, and committee meetings on many areas of seed analysis, but will also have the opportunity to network with people from around the world. The website for the conference can be found at

Conference workshops will focus on native seeds, flower seeds, seed testing tolerances, and application of statistics. On June 23, tours to the National Seed Preservation/storage lab, Applewood Seed Company, and to the Eurofins STA lab will be made available.

Recipient of First Lisa Shepherd Jenkins Scholarship Announced 

The first recipient of the Lisa Shepherd Jenkins Memorial Scholarship was announced February 15 during the 2017 Iowa Seed Association Scholarship recognition. The event was held in during the Agribusiness Showcase & Conference held at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. Shepherd Jenkins, who passed away in July 2015, served as Seed Health Testing Coordinator for the Seed Science Center and was Director of the Administrative Unit of the National Seed Health System.  She headed one of the most active phytosanitary seed testing programs in the country. Lisa had a great love for many things to do with seeds and the people who test and sell them. For more information about the scholarship recipient visit:

—Mike Stahr, ISU Seed Lab Manager