Customer Care is introducing new Service Charge fees to accommodate the additional services we provide to our valued customers. We deeply appreciate your business and strive to offer assistance whenever errors occur, whether on our end or yours. Our dedicated office staff works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure smooth operations, handling various tasks that may go unnoticed by customers.

These tasks often involve circumstances beyond our control, such as:

  • Providing signed and wet-stamped certificates
  • Accommodating customer requests for changes to processed samples (e.g., adding or removing tests)
  • Adding verbiage to reports after results have been issued
  • Conducting research into old samples
  • Various other administrative tasks

Due to the time and effort invested in these “extra” tasks, we find it necessary to implement a small service fee for certain services. Rest assured, we will always notify you before applying any service charges. The fee will be clearly indicated on the sample for which the additional task was performed, along with a description of the service charge. Typically, service charges will range from $5.00 to $25.00, depending on the complexity of the task. If project work is required, we will discuss the associated costs with you before commencing the project.

We understand that despite our best efforts, mistakes may occasionally occur in our reports. In such cases, we are committed to rectifying these errors at no additional cost to you.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support as we strive to provide you with exceptional service and support. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the new service charges, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.