Ever wondered why we sometimes suggest sending an email instead of answering your query over the phone? We truly appreciate your calls and the trust you place in our knowledge. However, each question is unique, and we want to ensure we provide you with the most accurate information possible.

Here’s why we recommend using each communication method:

  • PHONE CALL – General Inquiries: If you have general questions such as confirmation requests or queries about test durations, feel free to give us a call.
  • EMAIL – Specific Testing Information: For detailed inquiries such as the number of seeds needed, costs, or approximate turnaround time for specific tests, sending an email allows us to give you precise and comprehensive answers.

Rest assured, we strive to respond to emails as promptly as phone calls. Both communication methods hold equal importance in our commitment to providing you with complete and accurate information. Our ultimate goal is to understand your needs fully and provide the best assistance possible from the get-go.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to assisting you, whether it’s over the phone or via email.