We want to inform you about an important change regarding your account numbers. Due to recent software updates at the University Accounts Receivable office, all customer account numbers have been updated. The transition to the university’s new accounting system made the previous account numbers obsolete.

We recognize that this change has caused some issues, particularly for our WebLocker users, and we apologize for any inconvenience. By now, most of you should have received your new account numbers via email. Please take note of the following:

  • CST-0012345: When interacting directly with University accounting (e.g., calling about a statement or making an online payment), please use the full account number.
  • 12345: For WebLocker users, only use the last five digits of your new account number when signing in. Your password remains unchanged.

Rest assured, we can cross-reference your old account number to help you transition smoothly.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we navigate this update. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via phone or email.

Phone: 515.294.6826