We are announcing a new policy for germination testing that will take effect on October 1st, in alignment with AOSA guidelines. An official germination test requires 400 seeds, but we frequently receive fewer seeds than required, which delays testing and report distribution. To improve lab efficiency and ensure timely reporting, the following changes will be implemented:

  • Official Germination Test: A minimum of 400 seeds must be submitted to receive an official germination result.
  • Unofficial Germination Test: If fewer than 400 seeds are submitted, testing will proceed, but only an unofficial result will be provided.
  • Resubmission for Official Report: If you receive an unofficial report and need an official one, you must submit a new sample with at least 400 seeds. Additional testing charges will apply.
  • Recommended Seed Submission: Whenever possible, please submit 800 or more seeds for germination testing. This ensures extra seed availability in case a retest is necessary. Retests required to determine sample viability will be conducted at no charge, as per AOSA rules.

We appreciate your cooperation with this new policy, which will help us serve you more efficiently. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our Customer Care team.

Phone: 515.294.6826