Starting September 1, we will no longer contact customers for additional seed when a specific quantity has been requested for testing. While we aim to provide the best service possible, the process of requesting more seed has significantly slowed down the processing of new samples and the distribution of results.

Please ensure that when requesting testing for a specific number of seeds for a pathogen, and if multiple types of tests are needed, you send enough seed to cover all test types. This will help us efficiently complete your testing requests.

Seed Health Testing and Reporting Policy Update

We’ve noticed an increase in requests to include the number of seeds tested on final reports. While we are happy to accommodate this, we often receive insufficient seed to perform all requested tests. For example, if you request 3000 seeds for a PCR test and 1000 seeds for an ELISA test, we need 4000 seeds in total, as different test methods cannot share the same seeds.

As of September 1, we will no longer contact customers for additional seed if the initial submission is insufficient. We will proceed by dividing the seed and completing the tests, but we will not be able to specify the exact seed numbers on the final report unless we receive the correct amount of seed from the start.

If specific seed numbers are required on your report, please send a new sample with the appropriate seed quantity. Additional charges may apply for extra testing.

Thank you for your understanding as we implement these changes. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Care team.

Phone: 515.294.6826