Beginning October 1st, our Quality Lab will implement a new policy regarding germination testing to improve efficiency and streamline reporting.

In accordance with AOSA rules, an official germination test requires a sample of 400 seeds. However, the lab often receives fewer than the required amount, causing delays as Customer Care reaches out for additional seed. To address this, the new policy will include the following changes:

  • 400 seeds must be submitted for an official germination result to be reported.
  • If fewer than 400 seeds are submitted, the lab will proceed with testing, but only an unofficial result will be provided.
  • Should you receive an unofficial result and require an official report, a new sample of at least 400 seeds must be submitted, with additional test charges applied.

For optimal results, we encourage customers to submit 800 or more seeds when possible. This allows for extra seed in case a retest is necessary. Retests to assess sample viability will continue to be provided at no additional cost if required under AOSA guidelines.

We appreciate your cooperation as we make this transition to improve our services!