Iowa State University Laboratory Seed Testing Price List

Prices effective September, 2022.

  • Treating seeds cost per sample will be less depending on the number of samples.
  • Testing by ISTA or Canada Rules (M&P) may require an extra charge.
Crop** Standard Germination Purity Test Noxious Exam Tetrazolium (TZ)
Corn $16 $18 $18 $38
Soybeans $16 $18 $18 $32
Industrial Hemp $25*** $18 $12 Hourly
Cereals, Millet, Sorghum, Buckwheat, Flax, Sunflower, Cotton $18 $14 $12 $34
Small-Seeded Legumes $20 $17 $12 $40
Vegetables 1, Flowers 1 $20 $17 $12 $40
Vegetable 2, Flowers 2, Herbs, & small-seeded species $25 $17 $12 $40
Grasses: Category 1 $25 $25 $21 $40
Grasses: Category 2 $35 Hourly Hourly Hourly
Grasses: Category 3 $35 $27 $21 Hourly
GRASS MIXTURES $35/species Hourly Hourly Hourly
Tree, Shrub, Weeds $35 Hourly Hourly Hourly

** Mixtures, dirty, and/or low quality samples are subject to a $50.00/hour charge.
*** Significant ungerminated seeds at the end of a germ test are subject to an hourly charge.

Test Price
Sand Germination $22
Iowa Tray Cold Test $17
Accelerated Aging $17
Saturated Cold Test $27
Oven Moisture $18
Instrument Moisture $10
Bleach Test $18
Fast Green Test $24
Seed Count $10
Test Weight $10
Seed Treatment $10
Hourly Charge $60

Other tests available on request.


  • Alfalfa, Clover, Prairie Clover, Sweet Clovers, Crownvetch, Guar, Lespedeza, Trefoil,Vetch, Hairy Vetch


  • Category 1: Brome grass, Fescue, Orchardgrass, Ryegrass (without fluorescence test)
  • Category 2: Indiangrass, Prairie Cordgrass, Indian Ricegrass, Alkali Grass, Prairie Dropseed, Sand Dropseed, Lovegrass, Switchgrass, Bluestems, Reed Canarygrass, Gramas, Buffalograss, Creeping Foxtail Wheatgrass spp., Sporobulus spp., Stipa spp., Sugarcane, Teff, Three-awns
  • Category 3: Bentgrass, Bluegrass, Buffalograss, Redtop, Timothy, Bluejoint, Juncus spp., Junegrass, Purpletop, Pennisetum


  • Category 1: Vegetable species not in Category 2
  • Category 2: Beet, Sugar Beet, Swiss Chard, Carrot, Celery, Chickpea, Lentil, Lettuce, Parsnip, Pepper, New Zealand Spinach, Peanut


  • Category 1: Flower species not in Category 2
  • Category 2: Alyssum, Begonia, Geranium, Hollyhock, Ipomoea, Lathyrus, Lobelia, Lupine, Malva, Petunia , Gentiana, Birdhouse Gourds, Partridge Pea, Sidalcea, Penstemon

How is testing invoiced and paid for?

  • The report of analysis has the fee listed as well as test results, but payment is not made from the report.  A billing statement will be sent at the end of the month, but payment isn’t made from this either.  Finally, Iowa State University Accounts Receivable will mail an invoice and payment is made from that invoice.
  • Payment is normally made by check as we don’t accept credit cards.