Publish Date Change for Newsletter

As of this publication, we will be changing the ROOTS Newsletter to a monthly basis instead of bimonthly. If there is a need to disseminate information to our customers quickly, we will send out a SPECIAL EDITION newsletter. The publication will now be delivered to your email inbox in the middle of every month.


Over the past six months, Customer Care has implemented a new email notification system for our customers. We would like feedback to understand how our customers feel about these new emails. We would also like feedback on how our Customer Care team is doing servicing your needs. Please take a moment and respond to this 6 question survey regarding our emails and service. We thank you in advance for your time!

Team CYtation Award

The Seed Lab team recently received a Team Cytation Award from Iowa State University. This award is given to a team that performs above and beyond their normal responsibilities, doing something extraordinarily well, and acting in such a way as to make a very real difference in the institution and our customers. We were honored to be recognized with this award!

Additional Seed Requests – Sample Discarded after 90 Days

When we do not receive enough seeds to complete the testing per AOSA, ISTA, or Canadian guidelines— we will always reach out by email as soon as the Customer Care staff is made aware of this issue. In the “Additional seeds needed” email, we will advise how much more seed is needed to complete testing and how to send it in for processing. Please note that we will send at least 3 notifications that additional seed is needed. If we do not have a response after 90 days, the sample will be canceled and discarded per our new protocol. If you would like to proceed with an un-official test, please let us know so that we may inform the lab to continue testing. Otherwise, if you know that you would like to cancel the testing, please contact us as soon as possible so that we may arrange to send back or discard your samples.