New Account Numbers

Due to software changes at the university Accounts Receivable office, new account numbers were assigned to all of our customers. The university’s accounting transition made our current account numbers obsolete. Due to a few glitches, we were unable to get those new numbers out to you before they caused some issues for our WebLocker users. By now, most customers should have received their new account number by email. Please note the following:

  • CST-0012345 – use the full account number when working with University accounting directly. For example, calling about a statement or signing in to pay online.
  • 12345 – WebLocker users use ONLY the last 5 numbers when signing in. Your password has not changed.
  • We are able to cross reference from your previous account number. This will allow customers some time to adapt to the new number.

We appreciate your patience as we work through this transition! Feel free to call or email us with any questions.

Quality Lab – Germ Testing Policy Change – Effective October 1st 

Per AOSA rules, an official germination test requires 400 seeds. Quite often, the lab receives less than the required 400 seeds and Customer Care then reaches out to customers for additional seed. This is a very time-consuming process and slows down the efficiency of the lab and timeliness of reports distributed to customers. As of October 1, a new policy on germ testing will go into effect.

  • 400 seeds must be received to have an official germ result reported.
  • When less than 400 seeds are received, testing will continue with an unofficial result reported.
  • If you receive an unofficial report and desire an official report, a new sample of 400 plus seeds must be sent to the lab again. Additional test charges will be incurred.

Customers should send 800 plus seeds whenever possible for germination testing. This allows for extra seed if a retest is needed. A retest to determine sample viability is at no charge if the lab deems it necessary per AOSA rules.

Account Contact Updates

With our busy season quickly approaching, please take a moment to advise Customer Care of any changes to the contacts on your accounts. Having the correct information on file allows for timely and efficient distribution of test results. If you have any questions regarding your account information, give us a call and we will be happy to review it with you!

Health Lab Policy Change September 1 – Specific Seed Numbers

Per the notice in last month’s newsletter, as of September 1, we will no longer be contacting customers for additional seed. This is when a specific amount to be tested has been requested. We want to accommodate our customers as best we can, however, the task of contacting customers for more seed is a hinderance to processing new samples and distributing results.

If you request that a specific seed amount to be tested for a pathogen and have more than one type of test requested, it is important that you send enough seed to cover all test types. Please refer to the July 15th newsletter on our website if you need further information or contact Customer Care.

Customer Care Hours

The hours for the Customer Care office are 7:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.

Lunch break is from 12:00pm to 12:30pm.