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Lab News2024-06-13T08:59:54-05:00

Increased Testing for Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (CFF)

November 22, 2024|Seed Lab Update|

Recent inquiries to our Seed Health Coordinator highlight a surge in testing for Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (CFF), the bacterium responsible for bacterial wilt in dry beans, garden beans, soybeans, [...]

Quality Lab Announces Germination Testing Policy Update Effective October 1st

September 24, 2024|Seed Lab Update|

Beginning October 1st, our Quality Lab will implement a new policy regarding germination testing to improve efficiency and streamline reporting. In accordance with AOSA rules, an official germination test requires [...]

Policy Change Effective September 1: Specific Seed Numbers for Health Testing

August 16, 2024|Seed Lab Update|

Starting September 1, we will no longer contact customers for additional seed when a specific quantity has been requested for testing. While we aim to provide the best service possible, [...]

The ISU Seed Lab leads the way in seed testing and training!

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